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Universidad Externado de Colombia

"Vigilada Mineducación"

Curso de verano Trade, investments, inequalities and the global food regimen

Publicado el: 29-06-2016

El programa abordará un tema crucial de la actualidad como es el vínculo entre las leyes económicas internacionales sobre comercio e inversiones, las estructuras legales nacionales y la existencia de un régimen transnacional en tormo a la alimentación, que produce 800 millones de personas desnutridas y más de un billón con problema de sobre - nutrición y obesidad, y analizará las inequidades que hay detrás de este modelo.

El Departamento de Derecho Económico invita al Curso de Verano "Trade, investments, inequalities and the global food regimen" que estará a cargo del profesor Ferrando Tomaso, assistant profesor of Warwick University, el cual se realizará del 5 al 15 de julio de 2016.

De acuerdo con la presentación del profesor Tomaso: “The module aims to provide students with a broad, in-depth and critical perspective on the link between international economic law (trade and investments), national legal structures and the construction of a transnational food regime that produces almost 800 million undernourished people and more than 1 billion over-nourished and obese. Rather than being natural, the way in which food is produced, transported, allocated, consumed and discarded is strictly dependent on local and international legal structures and has consequences that go far beyond individual health.

As the students will discover throughout the module, the act of eating, an operation which is often mechanically conducted and taken for granted (especially in some parts of the world, and by parts of society), is the final point of a complex system in which law interacts with economics, politics, culture, human rights, climate change and several other domains that are often overlooked in discussions about law and food”.
5 al 15 de julio de 2016

lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. Valor de la inversión: $681.300.

Universidad Externado de Colombia


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