Workshop public speaking for professional english setting


Área: Idiomas

Centro: Universidad de los Andes

Modalidad: Presencial

Lugar: Bogotá D.C


Tipo: talleres

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Workshop public speaking for professional english setting

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Publicado el: 16-11-2017


Public Speaking for Professional English Settings is a blended-learning course based on two weekly in-class sessions and one-internet based session. The teacher will provide instruction on various topics, which will then be immediately applied and practiced by the student. In class, students will learn and develop strategies for public speaking, such as planning and organization, how to produce effective presentation materials, and how to combat anxiety. Internet-based sessions will include a variety of activities that support students in their development of public speaking skills and linguistic accuracy.

¿En qué consiste?

This course prepares students for various professional settings where formal presentations are required. The class will focus on developing oral communication skills through a diverse selection of in-class and internet-based activities, including planned and impromptu speech acts, critical listening practice, self and peer evaluation, pronunciation practice, and functional vocabulary and grammar use. The students who will benefit the most from this course already have a level of English equivalent to B2 of the Common European Framework (CEF).


Fecha:            27 de febrero al 26 de abril del 2018.

Horario:            martes y jueves de 6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m.

Duración:         16 sesiones – 40 horas.

Lugar:              Universidad de los Andes - Sede centro.

¿A quién va dirigido?

This course is designed for professionals and academics with an upper intermediate to advanced level of English who are looking to improve their public speaking skills in English. Students will present different types of speeches relevant to professional and academic contexts about topics of their choice.

Horario: martes y jueves de 6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m.

Duración: 16 sesiones – 40 horas.


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